The Power of Project Management

When it comes to support analysis, investing in good support analysis can be the difference between being an industry leader or a digital dinosaur.

Asset Risks Drivers For External Financial Partners

Investors and other external stakeholders often don’t have visibility into asset risks and how it impacts the company’s bottom line. External financial partners that rely solely on financial reports might miss significant asset risks lurking below the surface.

A Deeper Dive into Why Execution Fails And What To Do About It

  • Learn about “The ART of Executive Sponsorship” framework to drive change efforts 
  • Discover proven execution techniques that will provide a simple formula and “how to” examples to help dramatically improve change success rates
  • Why do Asset Management and reliability practitioners need success elements to ensure sustainable change for optimal business performance?

Root Cause Analysis Made Simple

Join Host Mike P and special guest Susan Lubell as she shares with us her insight how Root Cause Analysis can help drive down costs and increase ROI