The Study of BIM for FM: What the academics say

What do the academics in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) think about the benefits, best practices, and challenges of repurposing design and construction data for operations and maintenance? Does BIM for FM pass with flying colors? Or is there room for improvement? Most important: For facility and maintenance managers, what are the highlights and where are the crib notes? 

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BIM for FM: The connection between data and sustainability

For design, planning, and construction, the focus is on going green, with the market for sustainable buildings set to grow to 1312.12 billion by 2030. Architects design structures that blend into the environment. Planners look for materials from renewable sources, and construction teams worry about their carbon footprint. But what about facility managers? How can they keep the green going once the building is in operations and maintenance?

By leveraging BIM for FM, they can both make the most of existing sustainable elements while introducing new ones.  

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